Published On: 5 July 2023814 words4.1 min readComments Off on How do I cut down my child’s screen time?

This is the most common and frightening situation that is causing heat ups between children and parents.

Let’s go back to our childhood days when we would fight with our siblings over a TV remote to watch our favorite programme. We had less options and a dedicated space to sit & enjoy our screen time. Today our children have almost limitless options to watch and they can carry their screen wherever they want.

According to the American Academy of pediatrics, outside of homework, school aged children should not spend more-than 1 or max 2 hours in front of the screen each day. Before beginning your journey of reducing your child’s screen time, one needs to address few aspects for successful outcomes.

  1. Start from “Self” – How often are you seen watching something on your phone/iPad/TV throughout the day?

We are the role models for our kids. They imitate whatever they see around them. It will be not right to argue on cutting your child’s screen time while you are seen on the mobile most of the times. Be positive role models/examples for your kids.

  1. It should come from within – Do you genuinely feel that it’s a problem and/or a potential disaster which needs to be addressed before it’s too late? When you are trying to deal with a situation it’s very important that the urge to overcome should be felt from within.
  2. Before attacking a problem, think critically about its root cause.
    1. What could be the reason of my child’s increasing screen time?
    2. Do you depend on a screen to deal with your child’s tantrums?
    3. Did you ever handover your mobile to your child when you wanted some “Me Time”?
    4. Have you ever asked your child to watch a story online just because you can’t narrate stories to your child?

Prepare a list of all your tiny pain points to attack the main big problem.


Without knowing the root cause, there is no problem solving.

Here are some practical remedies. You can use to reduce child’s screen time.

  1. Children are good observers:- Regulate/Reduce your own screen time as well as the content you see. Children observe and learn from their surroundings. If you are busy swiping up reels on your phone most of the times, how will you make your children understand the need to reduce their screen time?? Set your own examples for them. Avoid surfing Instagram and Facebook, anything which is not work in front of your child. If you have office work on your phone, you need to convey it in a positive manner. Our children are clever enough to understand the difference if you are surfing work or fun sites on your mobile!
  1. Always keep your eyes open: Make sure you watch over your child when s/he is on screen – Never allow your child to sit alone with a screen unsupervised. You should know what they are watching.
  1. Set fix screen schedule – Set up fixed screen time and duration for each day. When you fix duration for a day to watch TV and stick to it there are very less chances of daily heat ups. As a parent you should be setting fixed time for your own screen time as well. When rules are clearly set and followed consistently….. Leads to long term change. With less battles.
  1. Keep other fun options open – Make children understand that there are many other things to have fun. Always keep art work supply, some board games, story books handy while shifting from screens. Children at this age are not supposed to sit idle in front of a screen doing nothing. You can go for a walk/bike ride, do some cleaning work together or cook together….
  1. Set a screen free time with the entire family –Individual of any age younger or elder has to know that at certain hours in a day it has to be a complete no screen/gadget zone. It could be during meals or before bed, early mornings … These moments should be used for family bonding, discuss about your day.
  1. Do not give a separate device – Never dedicate a separate tablet for your child. They might take it as their own, and this will lead to a feeling of using your own device the way they want.
  2. Plan for easy transitions – It could be difficult to stop watching an enjoyable TV show and shift to doing nothing. Discuss the watching time before starting, give 2 reminders before switching off the TV and decide in advance for a playful activity that can be introduced post screen time.

Never Expect miracles to happen in one day. Setting up rules, following them consistently and patience to achieve positive results is not a 2 min recipe. Give your child little time, healthy options, your quality time and watch a beautiful CHANGE.

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